KDZY has released a 9 track EP for his fans to enjoy!!

KDZY has put together a collection of new tracks for his fans to enjoy. This project is entitled "Mr. KnowDat EP". It has 9 tracks and with each track the Diverse KDZY gives much to be excited about. Be sure to check out His new EP and share and most importantly ENJOY!!!! EP also found on Spinrilla, Livemixtapes, datpiff and various other mixtape websites. Thank you all!! #KnowDat
Instagram: KD_Lifestyle Twitter: KD_Lifestyle Snapchat: Mr_KnowDat
other sites for EP:
Spinrilla: http://spnr.la/evTKbttp Datpiff: http://www.datpiff.com/KDeezy-Mr-Knowdat-Ep-mixtape.807747.html